Tuesday, February 25, 2014


http://cherylsartfulcreations.blogspot.com certified zentangle teacher
From now on I will be having a challenge for you to do. It's called Tackle It Tuesday! Cute huh?! Well, my TITis for you to do a zentangle with only letters that start w/ "A". This is going to be fun. Please after you post it in your blog, go to the TITon the right side of my blog and enter your info. That's it. EASY, PEASY!
This is my part of the challenge! Allium, aveal, ahh, and amaze!


  1. oooo, I love challenges and prompts for zentangle - and writing as well! I shall be following this now :-) And I'm off to tangle.

  2. Glad you are joining my new challenge! See your art soon,Cel'eena.

  3. Just posted mine over on the linky thing :o) Always love a new challenge - thank you :o)

  4. I'd love to participate but don't have my own blog. Is there another way to Post?

  5. I hope you don't mind my sharing tiles that I've done on this theme before. But procrastination got the best of me and I have yet to complete the alphabet. Maybe this will spur me into finishing!

  6. I think I just added my picture. Lol! Never done this before so please let me know if I've done it incorrectly.

  7. Kylie, you could send it via email and I'll post it on my blog for you! crotnem@gmail.com

  8. Am I to assume by 'Zentangle' you mean to draw a 3.5 x 3.5" tile? (not ATC or ZIA?)

  9. I posted my A and D, I'm a little behind and completely out of order. :)

  10. I'm so pleased to find your challenges. Thanks for offering them. I was enjoying doing 'zendalas' every week till that discipline unfortunately closed (for the time being?). I find the idea of regularly completing and posting something I haven't thought up on my own very stimulating and I know I'm going to enjoy your TITs. I'll get cracking right away!:-)

  11. How can I follow your blog? I'm not seeing any where to subscribe.

  12. How can I follow your blog? I'm not seeing any where to subscribe.
