Wednesday, March 12, 2014 certified zentangle teacher
Here we go for our 3rd TIT. You are to create an atc or zentangle size. This week I am late one day, as I couldn't turn my neck was in so much pain. So todays tangles should be only "C"'s. Oops, i snuck an "S" in there. Oh well, No mistakes in zentangle! My tangles are cadent, cresent moon, chillon, and chainging! Hope to see yours soon! Remember you have until Saturday to post your link here!
Tangle on!



  1. What happens with the pics after we upload them?

  2. Still figuring it out. I will try to upload them to my blog for everyone to see!

  3. Thanks, I succeed to send you my contribution for the C-patterns!
    Hope you like them.

  4. My contribution is in. Really enjoyed this one, have never done ATC size before. I think it is my new favourite size. X

  5. Thank you for this fun challenge - will try to keep up with it - hope to do A and B now.
