Sunday, May 18, 2014


 And we are off! The first one here is Annie. What an amazing tile you did girl! I love all aspects of it.
 Colette you did something I don't see very often, put lines to separate your tangles. Great job!
Dorothy Allison this is her first time here. Glad you were able to do the challenge!  Nice touch of blue too!
Katherine Newman chose to do her tangles in "L"'s nice job too.
Kelly has 2 tiles today. She was doing catch up tangling this time!! You did so beautiful on all of them.

 Kia did a great job with her "L's". Nice looking, I see my Lori there!!!
Leslie Dauer-creek  I love the whole content you did! Nice combo of tangles here. You did my Lori also!
Sue Jacobs always is a pleaser! This looks so pretty!!!
Thanks ladies for playing this week. Now we get ready for "M" tangles. See ya Tuesday!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Cheryl! I loved this letter - there were so many lovely 'L' tangle - including Sue Jacob's LaBel! Axxx
