Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Here is mine. I tried Zonked for the first time and love this tangle. So that is what I did!
So this is our last letter of the alphabet. Any suggestions for next go round?  We have til next Monday to let me know.

http://cherylsartfulcreations.blogspot.com certified zentangle teacher


  1. You could do 1-9 as themes. 1 might be a monotangle or use 1 straight line as a string, just do something representative of the number 1.

    You could do "favorites." Tangle your favorite string or pattern or combo of patterns.

    You could pick a tangle pattern a week to use in our tiles, like this week feature "tipple".

    You could use artsy themes like feature shading this week.

    Hmmm. I think I'm all out.

  2. I like the alphabet thing. Maybe you could do two letters in a tile and combine it with one of Lori's suggestions. Like use A and Z and use your favorite string. You could use one letter as a string and use tangles with the other letter to complete the tile.

  3. Finally back to engaging with your challenge after a long travelling holiday.
    If you choose to stick with alphabet focus you could do any of the above suggestions or ....
    1. Decorate the letters of the alphabet with tangles
    2 . Choose a word starting with A, B etc that we could tangle
    Cheers, Dorothy
